Concourse Lake is located between the Please Touch Museum and the Mann Center for Performing Arts.
How to get to Concourse Lake
From Center City:
- 76 West (Schuylkill Expressway) to Montgomery Drive (Exit 341)
- Turn left at the light onto Montgomery Drive
- Continue on Montgomery Drive to Belmont Avenue
- Turn left onto Belmont Avenue
- Follow Belmont Avenue to Avenue of the Republic (N. Concourse Drive)
- Make a right onto South Concourse Drive. Parking is on your right.
From the North:
- From 476 or 202 follow sign for 76 East to Philadelphia
- Continue on 76 East to Exit 341 Montgomery Drive
- Go up hill to Belmont Avenue
- Turn left on Belmont Avenue.
- Follow Belmont Avenue to Avenue of the Republic (N. Concourse Drive)
- Make a right onto South Concourse Drive. Parking is on your right.