
West Fairmount Park

Sports & Activities

Belmont Grove

Belmont Grove, Belmont Mansion Drive, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Located in the heart of Fairmount Park, this picnic spot has green space and grills, pavilions and courts!

Chamounix Tennis Courts

50 Chamounix DrivePhiladelphia, PA 19131

12 hard tennis courts and restrooms maintained by the Friends of Chamounix

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Parkside Tennis Courts

9 hard tennis courts adjacent to the Philly Pumptrack and to Parkside Evans Recreation Center. Open to the public

Bill Johnson Tennis Courts

4750 States Dr, Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19131

Belmont Plateau Trails

Army Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19131, USA

The Belmont Plateau Trails are known for their rugged, forested slopes, lush meadows, and tree-lined creeks. Encompassing a network of several miles of trails including a cross country course that has been a local staple since the 1960's, these trails are used by mountain bikers, hikers, and runners. Fairmount Park Conservancy offers guided runs and hikes here throughout the seasons. Check our events page for more information. Trails maintained in partnership with Belmont Plateau Trails Alliance and Philadelphia Parks & Recreation.

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Concourse Lake Trail

A .6 mile asphalt path that circles Concourse Lake. Take in the 24 various tree species and 24 different shrub species at the 14 acre site surrounding Concourse Lake.

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Old Trolley Trails

The former trolley bed of the Fairmount Park Trolley.

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John B. Kelly Pool

A regulation size Olympic pool located in West Fairmount Park and open to the public in the summer

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Carousel House

4300 Avenue of the RepublicPhiladelphia, PA 19131

Carousel House is dedicated to providing socialization, recreational and educational services to persons with disabilities who reside throughout the Philadelphia area. The 6.4 acre indoor and outdoor complex includes a picnic area, garden, playground, and fitness track.

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Philly Pumptrack

Philadelphia’s first pumptrack built in 2013. A pumptrack is a dirt track around which riders can ride bicycles (especially BMX bikes) by using a pumping motion instead of pedaling

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